ML2 Annual Halloween Party Info

ML2 Annual Halloween Party Info
We will be having our annual Meadow Lakes 2 Halloween Party @ the Clubhouse next Saturday, October 26th @ 5PM. We will not be doing flyers this year so if you have friends or neighbors who do not check FB or the website, please inform them of the event info!
  • Voodoo Wings will be catering and we will also have pizza, desserts, and beverages including a bar with spirits!
  • We will also have our annual costume contest seperated out by age group so come dressed in your best costume!
  • The golf cart parade will meet at 4:30 at the clubhouse this year and will make a big loop through the neighborhood. If you want to participate, decorate your cart and meet by 4:30! We will have someone there to lead the group. There will be prizes for 1st and 2nd place of best decorated golf cart.
  • We will also have a pumpking carving contest so bring your best pumpkin for 1st and 2nd place awards!
  • We will have music and games and a prize table for kids and tons of fun for everyone!
If anyone has any questions or needs anything please reach out to myself or Ashley Bakewell Singleton. We could also use a little help with cleaning up after the party if anyone is available.

Thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone!
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